Other Online Activities
*All times are Eastern Time
(you may wish to use a service similar to World Time Buddy to check when this falls in your time zone)
You can now use our events page to RSVP and gain the links
Sitting Groups
We currently offer Wednesdays and Fridays at 16:00 E.T.
As well as Saturdays at Noon E.T.
These consist of one 20-minute sitting period followed by a brief social period (optional) where questions are asked and we talk about our practice.
Book Study Groups
There are generally 2-3 book groups going on at any one time, during our fall schedule. We usually discuss a chapter at a time. Or a few lines of a specific Zen poem.
During our summer schedule, we tend to come together once or twice to discuss 1 book after reading the whole.
We offer groups for all stages of practice. If you'd like to know what we are reading join our Facebook group, email, or ask during sitting group social time.
Writing Practice Groups
In 2021, we started an experiment.
Using Claude Anshin Thomas’s book 'Bringing Meditation To Life 108 On The Path Of Zen' as a guide, a group of us read one of the teachings daily and then shared our thoughts about it in a private group. The group liked it so much that we did another, 'The Art of Simple Living' by Shunmyo Masuno, and has become part of our Fall schedule.
Our last writing practice was done using Pema Chödrön's "Comfortable with uncertainty".
With 108 little teachings to reflect upon. Some of us were able to dedicate some time each day.
Some just read the book and reflections for others, when they could.
Our next writing practice will start on 14 August 2023.
We'll be reading Seeds for a Boundless Life by Blanche Hartman.
Writing our reflections with the assigned forum; you'll need to be a member to join us there.
Reflections are not an obligation. They are part of what brings us together and they help us understand
and relate to one another. Those in sangha and within our daily lives.
You can join us at any time!
Zazenkai (Coming Together To Meditate)
These are ½ day or full-day meditation online retreats that we do roughly every quarter. The day is broken into sitting and walking meditation periods and mini-workshops. For example, we have had a workshop on bringing a tea practice into your everyday life, yoga stretching, and contemplative writing and art sessions. It’s a full day that goes quickly when sharing it together.
Half day 4 hrs of retreat.
Full day, therefore, would be 8hrs.
Our next one is Obon on 13 August .
In the making…
Dharma Dinners
One of the things we miss with being an online sangha is sharing meals together. We have so many varied timelines that it’s tough to accommodate everyone at once. We’d like to do at least two of these a year - coming together online and eating together and socializing.
and ...
Sewing / Art Practice Group
As some of us progress in our Buddhist studies, we may choose to take Kai-San-Bo and then later Jukai. These are done after a period of dedicated study. These are some of our 'rights of passage' ceremonies to acknowledge as a sangha where we are and we become Precept holders, some of us taking up positions within sangha such as Senior Student.
Studying Buddhism or taking part in a ceremony is not a requirement for being with or sitting with the sangha.
As part of the ceremony preparation, we may 'have to' make a garment. During this time some of us will come together to support those making the garment. We may be working on our Wagessa or Rakusu, or if we have completed them a different creative process as part of our connection with our art practice.
It is a time for developing community, reflection, and discussion.
buddha, dharma, sangha.
Moments of focused art practices can bring about a liberated, mediative, mindset.
The best place to get info on everything going on is to join the Facebook group or keep checking the Events page.
If there is anything we can help with or any questions you’d like to ask, we are available by messaging in the Facebook group or by emailing us at: revkyoji@gmail.com