The Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts
I take refuge in Buddha
I take refuge in Dharma
I take refuge in Sangha
These vows are the first we are given, receive into our hearts, and commit to live by.
They are intrinsic to the Buddha Way. As priests and Precept Holders, we vow to live by the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts. They are our daily guide:
I vow to:
I vow to do no harm
I vow to do good
I vow to bring about abundant good
for all sentient beings
I vow to:
Respect Life - Do not kill
Be Giving - Do not steal
Honor The Body - Do not misuse sexuality
Manifest Truth - Do not lie
Proceed Clearly - Do not cloud the mind
See The Perfection - Do not speak ill of others’ errors and faults
Realize The Self and Others As One - Do not elevate self and blame others
Be Generous - Do not be withholding
Actualize Harmony - Do not act out of anger
Experience the Intimacy of All Things - Do not defile the Three Treasures
Those who are priests and precept-holders in our community realize that our words and actions carry a heavier weight than in other circumstances. Leadership comes with great responsibility.
Everyone who is invited into leadership positions, such as practice leaders, priests, Dharma teachers, and Board members who are members agrees to conduct themselves in accordance with this Ethics Code.
As priests, teachers, and precept holders, we acknowledge:
We acknowledge and accept the responsibility to act ethically toward all beings.
We acknowledge that because of this responsibility, power differentials exist between priests, teachers, and students.
We acknowledge our responsibility to create and nurture a healthy, safe, and inviting space for all regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, socioeconomic group, education, or ability.