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Fusatsu Zoom
Fusatsu Zoom

Sat, Feb 19


Online Zendo

Fusatsu Zoom

Fusatsu is an ancient ceremony where we honour our ancestors and renew our vows. This is a time of practice, reflection, and renewal.

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Time & Location

Feb 19, 2022, 8:00 PM EST – Feb 20, 2022, 1:00 AM EST

Online Zendo

About the event

Fusatsu is an ancient ceremony where we honour our ancestors and renew our vows. This is a time of practice, reflection, and renewal. 

The Fusatsu Ceremony is practiced in most full time monasteries and is a “Day of Reflection” in which practitioners choose one or more of the ten grave precepts and embody it for that day – then hopefully take it forwards in everyday life. It brings an understanding of the interconnection of all things, we take full responsibility for all, all that is and declare atonement – at-one-ment – with the truth of suffering, the Four Noble Truths. This is not about feeling shame or guilt, but rather is an open-hearted recognition of our part in everyone’s journey of Samsara. Samsara (JAPANESE?)  is considered to be dukkha (PALI?),  Suffering,  perpetuated by desire and ignorance and the resulting karma. Hence the line “All my past karma born of beginningless greed, hate and delusion” The term Fusatsu is derived from the Sanksrit word meaning observance. Observance can be:

Rite, ritual, ceremony

Practice, service, tradition

Custom, habit, formality

Or alternatively the action of watching or noticing something.


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